5 Tips to Balance Working Full-Time and Building Your Dream Business

balance blog dream business full-time job organize planner planning productivity schedule sleep systems tips Feb 10, 2022

So many people come to me wanting balance.  Balance is such a hard concept to grasp and even harder to achieve--and I believe it depends on what your definition of balance is in order to help you achieve it.

Can I help you create a schedule, systems, and more flow in your business? Heck, yes!

Your drive to stay committed to this schedule, systems, and planning your day so it makes sense, though...that's up to you!

Here are my quick tips for helping you build your dream business in the time you have each week.

Know your business goals

When you know where you are going with your business, it's easier to decide what actually needs to get done and what is fluff (aka unnecessary to take up your precious time).

I start with my clients and we look at your big goal. What do you want to achieve ultimately in your dream scenario?  What do those goals then look like in the next ten years? Five years? Three years? By the end of this year?

Once you have your goal for this year, we can break it up into quarters and further down into your month and week.

This backward design of your business is huge. This is how I help my clients craft their power hour/daily task list.

Have a daily/weekly task list

Taking time to plan your week out in advance SAVES time during the week. Don't skip this step!

I personally have a power hour checklist saved (I share it in my Direct Sales Done Right Planner and Tracker System!) that I do to work my network marketing business, but then also plan out all the tasks I need to do for ALL my businesses.  I like to prioritize them and pick the top three things I want to accomplish for the week, and then add anything else that would be extra if I finished it.

Schedule in your REST and ENJOYMENT time, too.

You can't pour from an empty cup and you have to make sure yours is full FIRST before pouring into others.

Schedule in your work out time, your meal prep, your date nights, heck even your reading/bath time. Seriously.  You deserve this time and it will make you so much happy and positive with your other relationships. 

Get sleep.

Also sounds so simple, and it really can be.  How much sleep do you really need to feel your best?

Look, I pull longer nights when I absolutely have to, but also know I have to get up at 5am to teach my students....and I want to be the best for them and not crash in the afternoon.  Getting to bed by 9pm is a pretty hard non-negotiable for me unless there's something going on past that that I know I have to attend live. But I do this as infrequently as possible.

Keep your work time productive and what it is--work time.

Silence the phones. Clear the distractions. Go to an environment where you aren't tempted to do other things.  But work.

The uninterrupted time when you can get your energy really flowing and focused is huge.  And stick with what you said you were going to accomplish.

All in all, I've found planning ahead is really key to the balance.

You can do this, sis! I know you can!

 Time to create and own your magic,


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