The Social Selling Sisterhood Podcast Episode 64- Mindset and Coachability with Rachel Snider

podcasts Apr 30, 2021

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Yeah. Hi friend. Welcome to the social selling sisterhood podcast. I am Lindsay, Dellinger and I have many titles, High school spanish teacher, dog mom, world traveler and direct seller. I empower women to run your direct sales business is the right way. So you can earn the money, you deserve to live the life of your dreams and travel the world. Now we got that out of the way. Let's get started. Hi everyone. Hello, Hello, welcome back to a live podcast interview of the social selling sisterhood podcast. I'm Lindsay Don Jr and I am so excited to completing today with Rachel Snyder. She is my up lines up line in color Street World, so I will let her introduce herself so that she does all of the, you know, her terminology of where she's at, in her ranking because I know she's like pretty much the tippy top of the color street empire. Um, and then Rachel just tell us a little bit about your journey, how you got to where you're at. Well, thanks for having me tonight. I'm super excited to be here. Um, so like lindsey said, my name is Rachel Snyder. Um, I am a Sapphire National Executive Director with Color Street and I started from the very bottom of the barrel, uh, if you will. Um, and when I did start my journey, I literally had zero following. I didn't, I came from literally nothing. Um, I tried direct sales in the past, failed miserably and I took a shot on this company because the product was freaking amazing. And so I was like, mm, I gotta get out on this. So I gave it a shot. In fact, I signed up and I did not tell my husband, uh, that I signed up and I, she officially went and told him a little bit later that I had done something and you know, a lot of men when it comes to this profession and direct sales, a lot of them kind of feel like it's, you know, ski z or a pyramid scheme or they're not always super supportive of it and he was supportive of me, but he wasn't so much supportive of what I was doing as far as the company and the sales and things like that. Um, at first, so I wouldn't say that was a hurdle at first, but it was definitely something I kind of felt like I needed to prove, um, to him into myself that this could really be something big. And so I went all in and at the time I was working as a nurse full time. I'm a registered nurse and my bachelor's and nursing as well. And thankfully I was working at home, I had a home gig, but I was doing for an insurance company monday through friday. So that was nice so that I could spend some extra time with color strength. But at the same time we were also working in our own furniture business. So I essentially had three full time jobs and I really took on a lot at the beginning. Um, I was, I was a little nuts I think, you know, I had my son who at the time was Five and he was like five ISH when I started colour street and when I started in the sales position and so I had my hands full with him. Um, and so again, I just kind of took a shot and I went all in honestly with Color Street. Again as the nurse, I believed in the product, the product was super cool and I thought this could go places and I really jumped in head first. I had no idea what I was doing whatsoever, but I think the biggest takeaway for me was that I made a decision to be coachable. Um, I made a decision to do what I was told to do even if it meant failing over and over again. I needed something to work. I needed it because I was tired. I was tired of working full time. I was tired of not being present for my son. I was tired of missing things with him and not picking him up from school and not being at school activities and just missing out period. And so I think that was my biggest why at the time was to have more freedom in my schedule and in my time in my life. And not to mention, you know, I had, I had been divorced for a few years at that point and was drowning in debt and single mom life of picking what to pay for. You know, you, you have a mortgage and you have a car payment and you have groceries and gas and you know things for the kids and you know some months it was picking which bills to pay in which that deciding which bills could wait for the next month or the next, you know, every other month. So, so I had a lot of drive and I had a lot of white that pushed me initially. Um, so that's really kind of, I probably took off with that, but that's kind of where I came from and why I feel I am where I am today. So it's a little bit of my background. I love that there's so many pieces of that. So one thing that you kept saying was you decided to go all in, and I feel like that is one of the things that really makes or breaks people, whether you're able to get to that success and as quickly as you want, because I think some people, it takes them a little while to get there, but I still feel like there's a mindset of like, you have to be all in or, you know, some kind of hurdle will come up or, you know, someone will say something rude to you, or you'll get in your own head and it'll just take you a lot longer to get there if you're not all in, you know what I mean? Absolutely. What did that look like for you going all in for me? Um looks like a lot of failure, to be honest. It meant lots of failed parties and lots of failed connections and lots of um things not going the way I wanted them to go initially, you know, I was probably six months into my journey. Um and though I had recruited a few people by that point, my personal sales and my my personal business really wasn't going where I wanted it to go. Um you know, I had party after party flop and it was discouraging, you know, it was very discouraging and I'm like, this is not the way I want this to go, what do I need to do to get it in the right direction. Um And something that stuck with me, someone told me that I don't even know who I heard it from. Um but it was, it was essentially telling, telling me you need to go until you get what you want as far as a Yes, so even though I was having these flopped party's over and over and over, there had to be one, there had to be one party out there where someone was looking for me, someone was looking for the opportunity that I was going to present to them or someone was looking for um, the solution to a problem they had as far as their nails or money or china, as silly as that sounds. The product that I wanted to share with people was a problem solver, whether that be for um, you know, moms who were too busy to get to a salon or if it was working women who couldn't have their nails done like nurses, you know, it's very hard, a lot of the time to have your nails done for safety reasons and health reasons. Um, and this product just seemed to solve a lot of problems. It was affordable. Uh, it had amazing shades, color styles, People kept coming back for more. So I knew there had to be a party out there where someone was looking for what I had and I'm so glad I didn't ever stop doing parties because I had one party about six months in and I remember it vividly because it was the one party That I had over $600 in sales and for the very first time. Um, wow. And to this day I still reach out to her sometimes and tell her thank you for having that party because it was so influential in my business that that's really where things got the kickstart for. I enrolled a stylist from that party. I had lots of sales from that party and things kind of released and I think I booked several parties from that party. So what's that really helped get things going? So never stopping at a roadblock would be one of my biggest pieces of advice because there is someone out there looking for what you have to offer. I love that, I love that and you never know like you could be one party away from that one that's going to change your business. Absolutely. And if I had stopped, I would have never gotten there. Yeah. That's crazy. It's not crazy to think about your like, thank you hostess, you were the best person ever. So wild. You know, you think back in hindsight and you're like, gosh, if I hadn't kept going and if I hadn't booked that party, I would not be where I am today, I'm convinced of it. So I mean you might have even gotten frustrated and quit if you're my stuff right? Absolutely. So you mentioned you heard that from someone and you've talked about being coachable, what does, what does that mean? So if someone is like, okay, I'm starting this business and I'm hearing be coachable, like what's something I can do to be more coachable? I think being open to um constructive criticism is a big part of that, and no one likes to be criticized and no one likes to be told they're doing something wrong, but I think in order to be successful, you have to be able to take that in stride. And because if someone's telling you something that you need to be doing or you need to change the way that you're doing something, you know, those are very valuable, especially from the people who are telling you to do that. If you look at their success, they know what they're talking about, and I think that's a big hurdle for some people to get over, is being told what to do. You know, and I'm the kind of leader where I hate to micromanage, I hate it with a passion, I hate it so much. Um so I'm not going to just sit there and, you know, look over his shoulder and make sure you're doing everything the way that I would do it, because the way I do things doesn't always work for people, but what I can tell you are the systems that work. Um and you know, if I see you doing something that isn't getting any results, I'm definitely going to chime in and I'm going to share with you what I think might work. And being open to new suggestions and new processes I think is very important and just kind of letting go of your pride, you know, letting go of that. You know, I don't need, you know, someone tell me what to do. I absolutely needed someone to tell me what to do because I had no freaking idea what was going on when it came to direct sales. I'm clinic, I'm very clinical, I'm very you know into the nursing world, I was not into sales and I hate being sales and spam me, I hate it. It makes me so if you if you just make me feel so icky. Which I think is so funny because I have never ever seen you ever come across that way but yet you will manage to build literally essentially it's like an empire like you know, but really though and um I think you've done an amazing job at building that without ever coming across that way. Um and I think that's really hard for a lot of people to get their mind around. They think if I sign up then I'm immediately gonna turn into this person that is like the bad version, you know, the one we think of when we think of marketers or direct sellers and it doesn't have to be that way at all. Um, so you mentioned systems, what sort of symptoms did you either start creating? Um, either, you know, with your business or the team side of the business or have you taken from other people to tweak? Because I think systems are really, I mean you said you had what, three full time jobs when you started this? I did a crazy person. Yeah, that gives me anxiety just thinking about it. I mean, I have one full time, I have a lot of anxiety. You do so pack system. Um, what can you do something stronger with time management or doing things or? Well, yeah, just either one of those things, What are some tips for some systems? Um I think pre scheduling things out was the biggest game changer for me initially, especially because I was so busy. Um I really took the time to sit down on saturday or sunday and pre scheduled things out for the week, so that I wasn't, I didn't feel overwhelmed with having to do those things because I knew having a presence online, especially since I was just starting to build my network, because I just had family and friends on my social media, I had no other nothing and nothing when it came to that. Um So I think spending the time online um and pre scheduling posts out for my customers or for my friends or whomever to see routinely was very important and very beneficial because they saw me on a regular basis. They saw me being consistent and I think consistency is key and anything that you do, um not just business, but I think in all of your life, I think consistency really pays off and um, they knew to expect me essentially, they knew to expect Um opposed for me, uh, you know, 2-3 times a day, they knew to look for that if they didn't, if they weren't interested, they weren't interested in that, you know, I don't, that didn't bother me because I knew there was someone else that was, um, so I think being intentional about your time and scheduling things out, so you're not overwhelmed with it throughout the week was one of the biggest system wins for me. Sorry, I'm not talking, it's not background, I don't have my headphones in. Um Yeah, I think scheduling poses like a flip saver, like generally around, um and then I got off track, you said something with that. Oh, they were expecting you to show up and the consistency and if they didn't want to see your post or they didn't want to interact with them, then that's fine. Like it's not, I think that mindset right? There probably has gotten you there for this because, but really we get some in our head like, oh, I don't want to post about color shirt again or I don't want to post about this again or what if people judge me? And I remember I reached out to you, I don't know if you remember this last summer and the fall and I was like, girl, how did you do it? And you were like, I swallowed my pride and I just did it and I was like, oh, that's so good because that's really what's holding back so many of us is just that. And I don't even know if it's I guess it's pride or just fear of judgment or but it's such a blocker. I think it's the fear of being judged and the fear of um being made fun of even as silly as that sound as adults. But you know, people talk about you, I mean it just it is what it is, and you just have to remember that you're doing this for your own reasons. You're not doing this for anyone else, they're not paying your bills, you're paying your bills and you know, you're taking that time that you get from doing this to be with your family, they're not doing it to be with your family. It's Don't worry about what other people think of you because that's gonna be your biggest roadblock. 100%. Um Kelly France always said your wife has to be bigger than your pride and that was something that always stuck with me as well and you have to get your pride out of your way. I mean, I think I really do think that that's one of the biggest things that stops people. Yeah. Yeah. I think people get so up so up in their head and so worried what other people think of them. And I've been there, I was that way too. But there I came to a point in my life and I'm like, listen, I got to do something different. I can't keep struggling the way I'm struggling and I have things that are important to me in my life and I'm not going to live forever and I need to get this done. Like this is what I need to do in order to get what I want. So that's what I did. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it's even harder and I don't know if you agree with this, but I feel like it's even harder for us to talk to people about the business opportunity than anything else. Would you agree? Absolutely. Do you have any tips on that? Like, like what for the opportunity itself? Yeah. Like how or even as a leader and you know, I have um you know, people under me on my team, how do I help them get out of that mind block of presenting an opportunity to someone who would be a great stylist? Um I think there's several different ways that you can approach that, I think reminding people to make personal connections with people and continuing to share your your life in the progress that you're making um and making it visible to other people because I initially um I had so many people watching me and not even commenting or talking to me about it or anything. And then 456 months later, they dropped into my message messages and be like, hey, I saw a post a couple of months ago, um and it really stuck with me and I keep seeing what you're saying and what you're posting, what you're doing, and I think I want to be part of it. Um so I think just sharing and being vulnerable, I think that's one of the biggest things as being vulnerable about who you are, what your story is, what your why is in putting it out there for people to see, because there are so many people that are in the exact same boat that you are, who are looking for a life raft truly. Um and if you're not sharing your story, you're doing a disservice to people. And I think that's one of the biggest, that's one of the biggest things when it comes to presenting the opportunity, is being vulnerable and sharing your own personal story, because that's what, that's what brings people to you and you want you want to attract people to your business, you don't want to just like, I don't know, go fishing for people, like what people that are that are really wanting what you have or wanting to work for it and wanting to put in the effort. Those are the people that you want to really invest in because they're going to be key players in business. Yeah, I think that's huge because we want business builders, we don't want the people who are just there to get the kit or whatever like that. And I do think that makes a huge difference. Well, time and time is money. Um and if I'm going to invest my time into you, I wanted to be worth something, whether it be more time or I'm helping you make money. Like those are the things that are important when it comes to leadership. And I think we, I think that's a roadblock as well when it comes to leadership because you don't want to make everything about money. But I mean truly you're in this as a business person, business woman businessman and you're here for a reason. So you have to be business savvy and so you want to be able to help those who want the same thing. Yes. Yes, 100%. And one of the things that I heard, I don't remember where I heard it was that um You should spend 80 of your time with your like top 20 of your leaders. Um and that was a huge, I was like, oh my gosh, that's so true. Because I find myself, you know, you you sometimes gravitate toward the people who need you the most who you're trying to get maybe doing the business more than they even want to do the business themselves. And time is money like that are spending wisely and who you're investing in and who you're allowing into your valuable time. Absolutely. And I think being a top leader or being a leader in general, you have to be okay with delegation. And I think teaching that as a leader is super important because as your business and your team's grew bigger and bigger and they will you physically and mentally cannot take on every single person in your business like that. So you have to be able to teach your leaders to be strong and to be um Leaders to those people in your shoes essentially. So that's why I think what you said, spending 80 of your time with your top leaders that trickles down and you want a positive mindset, you want good leadership, you want those things to really filter throughout your team. Absolutely. Um Okay, I wasn't planning on asking this, but I feel like it kind of goes along the way. So what would you do if or maybe you have this experience? I don't know, but as you are kind of hoping to duplicate the systems on your team, if you have someone who's coming along, who is maybe building a team under them as well, but they're not, maybe they don't find necessarily with kind of like your team culture maybe, or they're either trying to do things a different way, maybe it's working for them, Maybe it's not, maybe it's positive, maybe it's not. Um do you have any tips on on that? Um what's a tricky one? Because again as your leaders start moving up in hitting director and senior director and executives and things like that, um it gets a little tricky because you don't want to step on a leaders toes. Um you know, that's, that is technically their team, that's, you know, they've taken responsibility for that team. I think the only thing that you can really do is be a good example, be a good leading example and emulate um how you want your team to be and I feel like I have a very positive group culture I feel, and I take a lot of pride in that because that's very important to me, not only in business but in my personal life as well. Um you know, sometimes people might call me a positive polly and that's, you know, that's fine, but it's gotten me far in life and it's gotten me where I want to be. So that's something that I'm not ever going to change. And you know, I'm a realist, I can see real situations and I can see when people are having an issue or troubled, but I also like to still, you know, lean on the side of positivity because I think that that trickles down, um just as easily as negativity, but it gives us such a better outcome as a team in general. So when you, when you ask about other teams and other leaders, it's just, I think lead by example is the best answer to that question. You know, if they're having serious trouble, I might reach out and just be like, you know what? Hey, I noticed, you know this or someone came to me with this, how do you feel about it? And just really try to figure out there thinking behind it and kind of go from there. I love that. And I will say because I've done other direct sales companies before and one of the very first things when I came in, I was like, this is going to be different because the team pages are all really positive. Everyone is helping each other out. Like it was just kind of a very different culture than I had been in before and I was like, this is very nice. It makes a difference, you know, when you have a nurturing team and a positive team, I think you thrive because if you're in a team where there's lots of negativity or there's a lot of judgment um that will like me personally, that would shut me down real quick. I'd have no interest and I'd be gone. Um, but that's just the kind of person that I am. I don't like that. I don't have the energy, you know, it takes up energy and it takes time when you're dealing with all the negativity and trying to put out fires and it's so much nicer when I'll just run smoothly. And that's, you know, that doesn't always happen. But right. That's what we strive for. Yeah, for sure. And then the other thing that you mentioned delegation, you notice right off the bat, it wasn't necessarily always you doing trainings like you are obviously showing up in the face of your team in the group, but you were delegating out to your other leaders and sometimes even women who weren't leaders yet. Maybe it was just a bonus qualified stylist who had done some amazing parties and just that sharing atmosphere and delegating others to do things I think was a really positive thing for me to see as an upcoming leader. And that I'm like, okay, this is great, I can't do this because I don't have to be the one doing all the things. Oh, absolutely. Because it's impossible. It is absolutely 100% impossible. And I think, I think it empowers people when you ask them to do trainings, where you ask them for their advice as a top leader and I see a bonus qualified stylists selling $10,000 a month. Hey, what are you doing? Let me in on your secret. Like I need you to share this with the team, whatever you, whatever you're doing, it's great. So let's, you know, I want to learn from you, I can get to be in the top, top of the company completely, and I would still reach out to someone who is new to the company or bonus qualified senior stylist, whatever and want to pick their brain because your ideas I may not have never thought of, and I think it's, you know, you have to take a dose of humble pie because I may be at the top, but I don't know everything, I'll never know everything. So when someone comes in with awesome ideas, I'm all about it. Yeah, well and stuff changes so quickly. I mean zoom parties and we're doing this now, like I know you can't keep up, wow, you really can't, but that's kind of the beauty of it too, is we can all do the same end goal, but we can get there in different ways, which I love for sure. Um okay, let me see if there was anything else. Okay, last thing I'm going to ask you before we hop off here because I know how is your youngest now? It's and a half months old, I was gonna say a year, but there's only 6. 5 months always, like you're like pandemic baby for sure. You can have stories about never get pregnant during a pandemic zero out of five stars. I do not recommend, you know, I had so many friends have babies and I'm like I and I just heard all, you know, just all the things about how, you know, at the very beginning their husbands couldn't even be in the room and just all and I'm like, I can't even and I don't even have kids. No. Um anyway, um what would you tell someone? Like literally just starting out? Maybe it's something that you would, she would have done sooner or just some sort of motivation or tip for someone who just signed up for color shirt and now they're super excited and they're like, I wouldn't be the next Rachel Snyder. Um, I think, just don't stop. I think go for, no, I think get as many knows as you possibly can because in those knows you're going to find the one. Yes, that skyrocket your business, whether it takes three weeks or it takes three years. I mean, I know that's, you know, really out there, but if you really want this, stick with it, um, reach out to other leaders, reach out to other successful stylists that you see in this business and talk to them, get picked their brain, you know, ask what they're doing. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I think that's, that's another big thing. Don't be afraid to say, Hey, I am struggling. I'm, I feel like I'm failing at this, what, what can I do to pivot what I'm doing. Um to find success and truly, I think it's not an overnight thing. It never will be um you have to be open to that. I think you have to realize that this is not something that's just going to fall in your lap. This is something that you need to work for. It's something that is 150 doable if you stick with it. So just jump over those hurdles, get through on to the next and keep going. I love that. Oh my gosh Rachel, this is so good, you gave so many to fun. I'm definitely sharing. This is all my teammates, like you have to do it right now. You can, you are, you're like a great grandma, great grandma, Rachel in the colours. Uh, um, okay guys, if you want to find Rachel Rachel, where can they find you? Oh gosh. Um, they can find me. I'm just Rachel Snyder on facebook. The real deal and the old swag on instagram. Um, and then the real deal nail swag at gmail dot com. Yeah, welcome to you so much, guys. You definitely need to connect with Rachel. She is absolutely amazing. Um, and thank you again so much for your time. I really appreciate it. Absolutely thanks for having me. You're welcome. Bye bye.

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